Kenny Soto Logo 2020
Interview with Yisrael Segall – Marketers, It’s Okay To Be A Generalist – Episode #83
Yisrael Segall, Yiz for short, is an engineer at heart. As a kid he has always loved to take things apart, learning how they worked and putting them back together. His passion is knowing how things work, how businesses work, and what drives successful people.

Yiz currently serves various clients as a Fractional CMO and is a mentor on the GrowthMentor platform.

Questions and topics we covered include:

  • How Yiz uses marketing automation to help him work better and faster.
  • What led him to take a generalist approach in his career.
  • What makes for a good campaign funnel? What are the essential elements of one?
  • The qualitative metrics marketers should actually care about.
  • Why are content engagement metrics important and in what context should marketers use them?
  • Is Quora still a good channel that marketers should consider? What are some tactics that you like to use? Can it be used as a research tool?
  • And more!

Full Episode Transcript:

Kenny Soto 0:02  

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the people of digital marketing with your host Kenny Soto, and today’s guest is a seagull. Hi, how are you doing Kenny? I’m going, it’s going very well. It’s a Tuesday, so I can’t complain. 


The week is still going very strong. Before we get into the nitty-gritty aspects of your career tactics, you’ve leveraged the career advice you have to share. I’m curious, where are you calling from?


Yiz Segall 0:31  

I’m calling from Israel actually.


Kenny Soto 0:33  

Oh, very cool. Very nice. So you are an international marketer. And it’s, it’s great to see that we have a diverse set of guests on the podcast, and I know for a fact that you have a very unique story. So I want to start off by just simply asking you, How did you get into digital marketing?”


Yiz Segall 0:53  

That’s a really long story. Um, so I got, I actually wanted to be an engineer, I enjoyed my fascination with marketing very much, and with engineering, I like understanding how things and mechanisms work, right? And this is also why I again, I’m more of a generalist, and I am a specialist as well. 


So I like understanding how things work and building different things. And I saw I went from being an engineer, I studied some psychology, a little bit of it in university as well, and realized that I didn’t really want to practice psychology, but I actually really enjoyed the infrastructure the actual the entire system, that is business and market, it is complex organism and mechanism that basically, not only just it has, I could massively impact society, but it in itself is very complicated, nor and sophisticated to get it to work. 


And it just, and marketing is a huge part of how it can succeed. Obviously, you have different elements to it. But good marketing can really, really spring forward the success of a company, and good, good leaders Good, good vision. And so I sort of made the transition into marketing. I went and I took those principles of engineering, I took those principles of psychology, and I tested different things, I wanted to see what it was, the different platforms like how to do marketing, the different tactics that they were. 


So I got involved with different companies at early stages to try and figure out and then I moved around to more understanding, okay, what, instead of just like, let’s say this is Google ads, or this is this channel, what do I actually need to do to make this company grow? And so I went, essentially, I went from focusing on one particular area, to really trying to learn as many as much of things as I could in different industries, understanding how marketing contributes to the overall growth of that company, and how that impacts the industry that it actually exists in, has kind of led me to where I am today.


Kenny Soto 3:15  

I have heard this. So it’s become very common now. But I’ve heard many marketers have a background in psychology, and you have a background in engineering and psychology, what unique edge or advantage, or even unique perspective Do you think you gained from studying those two fields?


Yiz Segall 3:38  

Oh, that’s clear. First of all, engineering gives me it gives me this understanding and appreciation for technology. I work mainly with technology companies. And so I can pick up the technology very quickly, I understand how I can go in I know, I can understand which questions to ask. Sometimes it’s just curiosity, I just want to really understand the product. 


But it’s given me the ability to not be shy about getting that understanding and all that product, so I can help market it. There are also certain things it’s allowed me to do as well. In some of the areas, let’s say, in the current position that I’m in, I also run marketing automation, and there are certain things that I need to do myself. 


And sometimes we don’t have like, some of those things require complex things. And that requires an understanding of how different system work. So part of let’s say engineering, as I also picked up, like let’s say some programming as well, and it’s allowed me to sort of apply that to mark to the marketing operation side of things as well in order to get the things that I want to get done. And without doing a lot of intense repetitive work.


Kenny Soto 4:53  

I find that each interview that I have is very timely, and I’m learning a While I’m still very new, completely transparent for yourself and to listeners, I’m still very new in the world of marketing automation. So, can you define marketing automation? Is every task? Is there a potential for it to be automated? When is it appropriate to consider automating a task? Can you elaborate on those aspects?


Yiz Segall 5:23  

Sure. Um, so monitoring automation is essential, any, any function that allows you to not have to manually do something each time, that’s a very broad definition. But like when you create, for example, if you create a remarketing audience, that is a form of automation, if instead of getting a getting list or lit, downloading a list of a target audience, and you’re using, let’s say, dynamic lists, like let’s say, within your CRM, 


That’s getting pushed out to add to advertising channels, so you can better target those people in a timely manner, that’s a form of automation, and anything that is not you manually doing is a form of automation and some things when you connect certain things together, like let’s say, also, when you want to get certain reports together, instead of manually downloading into an Excel and you find a way to develop that more automatically, so that I can get that information more, more programmatically or whatever it is, that is a form of automation. And obviously, you have the classic automation, which is you just send out a bunch of emails that time to whatever it is. 


So if in terms of the so there’s kind of two types of automation in that, in that, and what I described is functional automation, which is you just getting things done, right, there’s, and there’s also things that actually do marketing itself, that actually contact that actually send things to your actual audience. 


Now, the things that are just functional, especially if you’re that predictable, they’re repeatable. They don’t require a lot of brain work continuously, they can all be automated, and they should all be automated, because you should, as a marketer, be focused on moving the needle a little bit more. 


And figuring out how I can grow whatever it is that you’re doing. If you’re working in social media if you’re working in paid media, or PR, or whatever it is, the focus should always be okay, what can I actually do to push that client or push this company a little bit forward, which takes brain work, and you only have that capacity, if those menial tasks that can be automated or automated as much as they can. 


And then you have the classic, the classic form of automation, which is sending out emails. Now, there are a few ways you can do this. You can personally like if you want to do like, you can do like a lazy way, which is just whatever it is, everybody goes to the same thing. Or you can go very complicated. And just make it really hyper-personalized. 


That’s also not scalable as well. It really depends how much the strategy of the company, if you’re dealing with a company that really requires individual-based strategies for each account. So if you’re doing Account Based Marketing, and you want, each sort of different type of company needs a different strategy than automation, that, in that kind of sense, can be very inappropriate. 


But if you are targeting a group of people, and you know how to segment that group of people well, and it’s not just that you’re dealing with like five emails, or whatever it is, whatever the number is, and it’s not just that there’s a sort of sophisticated thing, and you have the capacity to continue to see the progress of what’s going on and its ads and based on actual insight, then you can always test it out and see what will happen. 


But it depends on your goal. For example, if your goal is just to get a lead contact or a demo in the next five, or five weeks, and they come in through content, a blog subscription, whatever it is, it doesn’t really make a difference. And you shouldn’t automate that you should send them through actual engagement channels, or you could use automation to get them through an engagement. 

So for example, one of the things that I’m doing now is that I’m taking all the topic clusters that we have content for in the current club in the end, important cotton content clusters, and building individual, individual email chains for them. Right, and, and each of those, each of those, and I know whichever contact is coming in. 


I can decide which topic cluster is now relevant for that person because I know what they just engaged with. Right? So I can develop their path that’s personalized, also scale Whew. But it’s not it. There’s a little bit more intelligence involved. And I can always change. So there’s still intelligence behind it. So there is a little bit of manual work there. And there’s also a little bit of automation there as well.


Kenny Soto 10:14  

Are you leveraging custom scripts and custom solutions for marketing automation, or using Mark tech solutions to facilitate marketing automation in the organizations you work at?


Yiz Segall 10:27  

Both I’ve, I’ve written a bunch of stuff I’ve used a bunch of like I live in, say, I would use an API pulled into Google Sheets. And then I would like one thing recently is that I want everything to be in our CRM for marketing. 


But the salespeople use a completely different system, they use Salesforce, there are certain things that can’t be easily transferred from Salesforce to HubSpot. So I sort of use a workaround. This is a custom script that sends those things back into the HubSpot


Kenny Soto 11:01  

For the listener who’s curious, what resources would you recommend, they search for leverage to learn more about marketing automation in general?


Yiz Segall 11:14  

Marketing automation is a tricky one because you don’t want to get software or a platform just because it’s shiny, right? Just because it’s there. Because at the end of the day, it has to serve a function that can be held accountable for that function in your business, rather than having to end anytime you take the budget for this if that takes the budget away from something else. 


And some of these Montek solutions are really expensive. So that could take away from other resources that you may need a little bit well. So the best thing to do, in my opinion, is to understand what kind of problems you’re coming with, right now, what things you would like to do that would make your function a lot better, a lot more efficient, and then see, and then see the tools that can help with that if there’s a group of tools that can one tool or two tools that can do all that stuff. 


And it’s pretty well and pretty high quality and can actually do that stuff, well, then research into that particular tool itself. But marketing automation is to solve problems, and if you’re using it, for the sake of it, you’re just wasting money. Other than that, just look at the tools that most people are using to get familiar with them. 


A lot of these things come with just trying it out. One of the things that I did back in the days when I was still in university, is that I created an Analytics account, a free analytics account, I put up a random website, it was nothing just to learn how to use Google Tag Manager to put up Google Analytics. 


And I put up a dummy Google Ads account just to get just to get familiar arity with it, and not just have it like an abstract concept. Just take the main platforms that you want to use that you should be using that you aspire to use. And just learn it. Just play around with it a do some research on it. And that will go a long way.


Kenny Soto 13:23  

You mentioned something that I want to shine a light on, I don’t want to just move past another question. Because it’s very important. It doesn’t only apply to marketing automation, but marketing technology in general, creating dummy accounts, I feel like that’s something that can be done even on the weekend, on your off hours, especially if you’re looking to gain more insight, or at least get accustomed to a tool even if you’re not directly involved with it. 


And you have team members that are just so you can get a better sense of how to delegate, and how to collaborate with other marketers on your team. A personal example for me back in 2016, I wanted to learn more about website development, and website design. So I created my own WordPress website that has since been helpful in doing SEO for my name. 


But through that practice, I was able to learn more about the challenges of the day-to-day tasks that web developers have to deal with. And that then, in turn, helps me collaborate with web developers, whether it’s an internal team or an external engagement that I have with them. So I just wanted to quickly shine a light on that cuz I think that was very important.


Yiz Segall 14:34  

That’s actually a really good point that there’s nothing, there’s nothing. There’s nothing that really can compare to actual experience, even if it’s a fake account. And one of the things that I want to things that you mentioned is it helps you collaborate with the people that would actually do it. And it really does. I work with developers and I know exactly because I played around with certain things that are related to them, I know what I need and I know how to convey it to them. Because of that experience.


Kenny Soto 15:10  

Anyone who goes to your LinkedIn profile, even without looking at your bio, or your headline can see that you’ve had many different experiences with different marketing functions. And you’ve taken the generalist approach. In the past, I’ve had guests on the podcast talk about, you should be a T-shaped marketer, do different things, but then eventually specialize in one specific function. Other marketers have said, being a generalist helps you, especially in the early stages of your career, but maybe not down the road. I would love to know your opinion on the generalist approach. And also why did you decide to be a generalist, so


Yiz Segall 15:54  

So I want to add in, and I think there’s a third category there, which is what I call myself, and I know a few other people, I believe, also, there’s Jay Baron, I believe he calls himself something similar as well. And that is a deep generalist, which is different, it sounds the same as just a general generalist, but there is a key distinction. 


That is a generalist has basic knowledge about most things in the market, deep generalist as it sounds, it has almost specialist knowledge in a lot of the different areas it has. It’s, it’s a working knowledge, of most of the aspects of marketing, not just one or two things. And I can’t say that I’ve got, obviously, I’m not an expert in every element of marketing, but I do appreciate all the different elements of marketing. 


And I do make it my business to try and learn as much of it get as much experience and really delve into it. And there is like, there’s definitely, the argument that I see for being like this a specialist is you really become an expert in one thing, and everybody’s telling everybody to niche down into one particular thing. And if you become and then you can sort of succeed in that area. And if you succeed in that area, you can really, you can really succeed, probably you can grow in that chain a lot more. 


And the thing is that if your goal is to, if your goal is at the end of your career, or in the middle of your career, that you want to be the best in that field, then go ahead, right, there’s nothing wrong with that. generalists are good at the beginning like normal journalists are good in the beginning when you’ve just left sort of university and this is why they consider a basic is because it’s good for you to sort of get a feel for different things, and choose which path you have an affinity don’t choose straight out of the gate what you want, get a feeling like what excites you, like kind of what excites you a bit more go for that I’ve seen plenty of people that started off in. I know, a friend of mine, who started off in marketing automation, and realized that he really enjoyed content strategy. 


And then he moved over to that I know another guy that went from being he started off, he went, he started off being a generalist, and then really liked SEO. And so he went full force go into that. But it goes back to kind of what I said before that the way that I view businesses is that it’s this mechanism. 


And, for the company to survive, every function has to function properly. And marketing isn’t separate from that it needs to see itself as part of that as part of the growth or that kind of it’s a key part of the growth of that company. So it’s not, it’s not like letting you run the best, the best-paid ads account and you can possibly get, that’s still only one function of that growth of that company. 


There are multiple, there are multiple elements and even the paid media itself, and it’s not just that it’s one area within that growth. It’s just that it’s kind of also out of context as well, that that paid me is in a context of a wider growth strategy if the company has an actual growth strategy, that it’s opposed to serving a function. 


But what I found is that, that that kind of two things that with a lot of people that that especially in marketing agencies where they’re sort of pricing it based off like different services and different channels and stuff like that, you end up with some sort of like a politics being played that this channel versus this channel should get more budget because it’s based on how they make them and then each channel wants the most out of them because they want to be successful you end up having an It becomes like, because their KPI is for example, that that channel needs to spend a certain amount of getting a certain result. So then it’s not about the company, it’s about the channel that they’re specialized in. 


And that’s, that’s very harmful to the actual company itself because it doesn’t really take into account what’s good for the company, and how the company actually grows. So, for me, I chose to be a deep generalist, because that kind of thing I like is one of the things that I actually learned in university, and I actually recommend people take this into consideration. It’s called the Integrated Marketing Framework. 


And it’s exactly what I just said. It’s exactly what it sounds, it views everything as sort of like a piece of a cog that needs to spin together in order to make this mechanism work. And for me, becoming a deep generalist means that I can understand how everything fits into how not just everything fits, like how the company grows, but how it fits together in order to get there. And so my focus is not on, do we run a paid ad account. 


Do we run social or whatever it is, it’s about it. And it’s not even about like, Oh, am I doing demand generation? Am I doing ABM, it’s about how I move this company forward. And the actual strategy or the title of that strategy, as it just becomes meaningless. It’s just about actions and activities, and you can get to that goal. And, and that’s based on just how I view it and sort of my end goal, my end goal isn’t just to be the best-paid ad person, my, my end goal is to be is to actual, to drive growth for companies?


Kenny Soto 21:45  

What makes for a good funnel? What are the essential elements of a good funnel?


Yiz Segall 21:51  

That is a very good question. Um, it starts off by understanding who you are. So this is kind of where a brand or brand kind of meets the target audience, you have to understand who you are if you think of it like a conversation, right? If you have a conversation with somebody, like, what is it, let’s say, a networking conversation, that didn’t really make a difference, right? So you need to know who you are and what you offer in that conversation. 


But you also need to know what they’re interested in. And so in any, and where you can find the person that you’re that you actually want to find. So, the elements of a good funnel come from understanding who you are, what you truly offer, why people will end why people wouldn’t be interested in that. And, where you can actually talk to them about that. So it starts off with getting them engaged. 


And then once you have them engaged, then it’s about, then it’s about moving to the next level of moving them, it’s moving them to a point where you can sort of even meet them a second time for another conversation or meeting them to or moving to a ball, depending on where they are, it’s just you want to keep it going until the point where there’s a certain readiness, where you can say like, oh, I can help you with it. 


And that could be as, as quickly or as slow as necessary. But it has to, and you can try and push it as you can, if there are indicators that, that show that they would be open to it. So like, for example, if they’ve downloaded something I’m not talking about, like normal gated content, but if they’ve downloaded something on like, that says, like, you know, I’m actually looking at your product. 


Now it’s something of interest like if you have like a product or solutions brief or something like that, whether or immediately whatever it is that indicator, that tells you that they’re actually seriously looking, and just going up to them and saying, maybe I can help you find out more things about it. Or maybe I can help you with it. 


And you keep it like, very personal to what they’re what they actually looked at. So you can push it a little bit, it depends on the audience to the key. So the key aspects of the funnel are sort of knowing who you are, what you offer, and where your audience is at. And why? How can you make them interested in you? And then also understanding what are the indicators that allow you to say, okay, they’re ready to, for me to come up to them and say, Can I can help you with something?


Kenny Soto 24:38  

Putting on putting this on the spot, because I’ve done a lot of research on the things that you’ve been sharing on LinkedIn. Why are content engagement metrics important? And in what context? Do you use content engagement metrics?


Yiz Segall 24:52  

Okay. So one of the things I’ve talked about on LinkedIn is there’s also a lot of LinkedIn about not using value T metrics. And what I see them getting at fault almost is that they, change one metric for one quantitative metric that could be meaningless on its own to another seemingly more important metric that, that that is just quantitative right now. 


What I, what I do when I push is that I don’t just look for that quantitative I frame goals and objectives, that that, that, that means that you have to look for quality. So it’s not just like, let’s say, for example, it’s not just, for example, let’s say you want to look at how much traffic came to your website, and that to your brand, you need to build up sort of presence or let’s say, even if on social, whatever it is, like the actual the platform doesn’t really make a difference, but you want to get some sort of eyeballs. 


So it’s not just about, let’s say, the eyeball itself, because obviously, your traffic to a website, by itself means absolutely nothing. Right? If you had to you had 20-30 % more traffic to your website, by itself, it means nothing. If you’re in the SEO game, getting ranking higher doesn’t mean anything that to me is a vanity metric. It’s about the collectors that come through your website. 


That’s a qualitative metric for me, but for the people that come to your website, it’s about what they do on their website do they actually stay that the point of the website is that either tells them to content, or it gets them to look at a product and get interested. So you need to look at qualitative elements, that you need to look at the quality of elements on either one of those two things to figure out, did that person actually make use of the time on the website and that traffic was actually quality traffic. 


That’s where content engagement comes in. Because not most of the people who aren’t going to come to your website aren’t ready, that they’re not going to put in a form that’s going to tell them oh, contact me right now. And that’s obvious. But you also want to know that, as you’re putting resources into content, whether it’s social blogs, podcasts, stuff, like a webinar, those people that in order for that content piece to be effective, it has to make an impact. 


And the best way, the best way to do that is by using metrics that give the highest indication to you that an impact has been made. So for example, let’s say you’re looking at a blog engagement, or let’s say video engagement. 


So it’s not just about that content. So it’s not just about oh, how many people came to that web page, it’s about the scroll depth, they came to the time on a page did they actually did they go to another page after that’s in that sort of content chain if it’s a video, what percentage of people made it to the 50%, Mark, the 75% mark to or if you’re running transcripts, or scrolling through that, it’s that’s where customer engagement, content engagement metrics are important. 


Because otherwise, it’s the same thing he’s like, you could be producing the best content out there. But you’ll never win or that fits perfectly with your audience. It’s, it’s well-written, and it has a great story. It’s very informative and entertaining, and it’s distributed properly. But you’ll never know if it actually has a chance of achieving what you want to do. 


Which is preparing them and getting them to put you top of their mind when they think about your solution or the topic that’s there if it can’t make an impact. And so when you’re looking at those top and middle of the funnel, web content is hugely important. In that initial stage, you have to use content engagement metrics, and quality is not just like, not just like the quantitative ones, you have to use ones that indicate quality.


Kenny Soto 28:51  

You mentioned click-through rate as one of those metrics that indicate the quality of, in this case, content. What are some other metrics that you consider besides a click-through rate? On a website? Yeah, let’s stick to that.


Yiz Segall 29:08  

Scroll depth. Let’s say a percentage of like, let’s say depends on which page, for example, the homepage is a menu, let’s say menu, which menu items they click, what percentage of the page, they scroll through, you have these huge, these huge pages actually did an audit recently of this, of this website. I bought it like Gohara. 


Clarity, Microsoft is using Microsoft had clarity, and I was going through it, and that 75% of people drop off before they even get to, like 10% of the page. And it’s a huge page with lots of stuff on it, and potentially could be good. But most people aren’t getting that and most people aren’t clicking on anything else. 


So for me, the homepage goal is to get them to the next stage. And so I look at metrics on that page that tells me Okay, Are they clicking on menu items? How far are they scrolling? How do they get to the different elements? And which elements? Do they tend to hover over the most? Do they have one? Are they engaging? If I have a chatbot? There, for example, are they engaging with a chatbot? And so I look at that page accomplishing its goal. And those are the metrics that I use. Another


Kenny Soto 30:25  

A question that I’m going to ask you right on the spot, is very important to me. Because I’ve had debates about the channel. Why is Cora oftentimes not considered a good marketing channel? Have you had conversations similar where people might say, Cora, is something that we can do? It’s nice to have, we’ll do it later.


Yiz Segall 30:49  

Yeah, it’s for some companies, it’s very tough. To convince them to use Cora, I love Cora. It basically boils down to Cora or Reddit. For me, both of them are hugely like during the oranges, they’re very, very responsive, and if you don’t feel authentic, they’ll probably like to thrash you. Like you can’t really get away with doing anything. 


I like war, because the topics the audience’s bit, it is a harder channel, it’s also not, it’s not, it’s a harder channel, because you have to, you can’t just use traffic as your goal, you actually have to really think about it, you can’t be obvious, you have to actually really spend some time and be very thoughtful on the page itself. 


In order to build that, it’s also much more top middle funnel advertising is still very new, or low, a lot of companies do advertise on it, but it does have a bit more of a spammy element to it, and their advertising is still new, you can’t really make like a quick, quick game. And it does take a lot of time, but to actually build traction on LinkedIn relative, even though like people say it takes a long time. 


It’s easier to get visibility on somebody’s feed than visibility based on posting and answering people’s questions on multiple posts because you also rely on votes and stuff like that. It’s not, it’s not one of the obvious channels that a lot of companies use. And that’s why they don’t want to put resources into an experimental channel. And it just takes a lot more thoughtfulness in order to do it. Well. Can


Kenny Soto 32:45  

Quora and Reddit be used? Alternatively, as research tools?


Yiz Segall 32:50  

Yeah. I know people that actually wrote books based on their conversations on Quora. He actually wrote it in the introduction to a book he said it’s whole, this whole book is based around a conversation or a post that he wrote on Quora. 


It was very amusing. But yeah, you can do research, if you know how to ask the questions properly. If you know how to do a few surveys, I’ve asked some questions there as well. I’m probably not as active on it as I would like to be. But yeah, you can use it as research. You can also use it as you can get a lot of people’s advice there as well and what they would think, but it does require you can’t be over like business eat.


Kenny Soto 33:41  

Two more questions for you where do you go to continue your marketing education? Are there any resources, or newsletters experts that you follow?


Yiz Segall 33:54  

I follow a bunch of people, some people a little bit more deeply than others. And over time, I’ve learned I’ve sort of learned to take everything that anybody says online with a huge pinch of salt. And that’s something that I would recommend to anybody reading a lot online about marketing. 


Anybody that knows anything about content marketing, and inbound marketing realizes that, that companies produce content for the sole reason of bringing them to their products. So they’ll write things in a way that nurtures them to a product and they could it could be true, whatever it is, but their end goal is their end goal. And so everything and so their focus will be in a way that gets their own goal. 


So anybody who reads anything needs to kind of take it with a pinch of salt. Think a little bit and get some experience. So I look at certain things like I do. Are you on I do sometimes listen to some of the podcasts, and different podcasts. I like Jay Barron’s highly questionable marketing. There’s b2b growth by sweet fish media. They have a very interesting approach to how they do their podcasts. 

I find that fascinating. And every now and then there’s something else I have like, what is it a sem journal, one of these other ones has like an I use Feedly in and it has like all the different. It has like all the different things that I look at, I don’t remember them all by hand. I do look at people on LinkedIn, but I don’t necessarily. But again, I look at it like a pinch of salt to see like to try and think a little bit more. And experience if I look at what I want to find out and Google it, or play around with it.


Kenny Soto 35:56  

I think it’s very important to mention Feedly because I use it too. And it’s been a game changer for me just to curate from all the noise, the specific topics that I want to learn about when I can just go to one topic and say, Okay, so I’m learning about SEO this week. Here are some things that I can read. 


Oh, from these lists of articles, I found some potential podcast guests that I can get deeper conversations with. This is an example of how I use Feedly. So here’s my last question for you is hypothetical, because time machines don’t exist. But if they did, and you can go back into the past, knowing everything you know, right now, let’s say 10 years into the past, how do you accelerate the speed of your career?


Yiz Segall 36:40  

Very good question. I would say that to sort of like there are certain channels that, that I still do this a little bit now, and not so like comfortable with certain channels. And to just sort of try them anyway. You like you can’t like if you don’t start, you’ll never get better at something. And so just sort of managing a little bit what I could start, try something new, try new projects more consistently. Again, just the experience is key. 


Even if it’s just like a dummy thing like you mentioned that you started this podcast based around your own learnings and sort of like your own journal and doing something like that. Really just looking at different things as much as possible. Try in a sort of organized way, give yourself time to do one thing at a time for a little bit of time for whatever it is, if you can handle two things at a time, and just try it out, you’ll learn nobody’s perfect on the first try. 


The fear that stopped me from doing so many things early in my career was just, I laugh at it now, because I know much better than that. I know much better than that. There are still certain things that it’s still holding me back. But just trying things out, doing a test, even if it’s not like fully public in the beginning, just do it for the sake of doing it, too. 


And then as you know, you do it, the more like the more you do it, the more you realize like new things of how to do it, how to do a better. And just to do more of that as early and as early on as possible. I think that would have been very, very helpful at the beginning.


Kenny Soto 38:47  

Perfect, thank you so much for sharing all of your wisdom today on the podcast. If anyone wanted to say hello to you online, where can they find you?


Yiz Segall 38:57  

They can find me on LinkedIn. I’m very, very responsive. But I like it when people message me. So LinkedIn is really the best place. All they could. They could send me an email, I guess.


Kenny Soto 39:11  

Perfect. I’ll put your email in the show notes as well as your LinkedIn profile. And again, thank you for your time. And thank you to the listener for listening to another episode of the people Digital Marketing podcast with your host Kenny Soto. 


And as always, I hope you have a great week. And the last thing as always, if you can, please rate us on Apple podcasts. We’re trying to get more reviews, even if it’s just five stars. And one sentence that just says Kenny’s cool. That works for me. And yeah, that’s the request. Thank you for listening to the podcast. 



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