Kenny Soto Logo 2020
Interview with Kaleigh Moore – Launching A Freelance Marketing Business – Episode #90
Kaleigh Moore is a freelance writer and consultant for eCommerce and SaaS companies. She also owns, a podcast repurposing service, and is the co-host of the Freelance Writing Coach Podcast. Her clients include Stripe, IBM, Shopify, AT&T, and more.

She also writes about retail, DTC, and sustainable fashion for publications like Vogue Business, Forbes, Glossy, Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Fast Company.

Questions and topics we covered include:

  • The story of how Kaleigh jumped into the world of freelance writing for SaaS companies,
  • How to know if freelancing is the right career path for you,
  • How Kaleigh’s constructed her team to help grow her business,
  • The 3 marketing tactics a freelancer can use to get new clients and how Kaleigh has evolved past them all,
  • What is the best way to qualify clients before getting the work started?
  • Kaleigh’s strategy for getting impressive by-lines (there’s a reason why she’s been featured in so many business publications),
  • The writing mistakes that annoy Kaleigh,
  • How to use Twitter to grow your career…

And more!

Full Episode Transcript:

Kenny Soto 0:02  

Hello everyone and welcome to the people digital marketing with your host Kenny Soto and today’s guest, Kaylee Moore. Hi, Kaylee, how are you?


Kaleigh Moore 0:14  

I’m doing well, how are you?


Kenny Soto 0:16  

I’m very excited about this interview, mainly because we’ve interacted in the past on Twitter. And I have been fascinated with your career after being introduced to you by a previous podcast guest named Jeff large. I feel like this is a very serendipitous moment for me specifically because I have recently dived into the world of freelance marketing myself. 


And it has been much more difficult than what the Guru seems to be sharing on Twitter these days. So I wanted to really have someone who is not only experienced as a freelancer, but also currently growing their own business as a freelancer not necessarily being successful, and then pivoting back into an in-house role, but someone was actively doing it. 


And I think you can provide a lot of insights and advice to people who want to become freelancers in whatever capacity. But before we dive into those specific questions that I have for you, I want the audience to know more about you as a person and a professional. So my first question for you is, how did you get into marketing? How did you get into writing and freelancing?


Kaleigh Moore 1:25  

Yeah, so I worked at a nonprofit right out of college, that was my first full-time job. And about two years in, I was getting a little bit bored just because traditionally, nonprofits are pretty resource-strapped and that was definitely the case here. So I started doing some freelance writing work on the side, and just kind of fortunately connected with someone who was the in-house editor at a SaaS company. 


And she and I still, have a podcast together today. Her name is Ms. Damasco. She hired me and she was my first software as a service client. And so I started doing some blog writing for her, I was subcontracted a little bit with another more established writer. And so I was doing all of this on the side of my full-time job. And within about six months, I was earning just as much at my full-time job as I was on the side with freelance writing. So I gave myself 18 months to see if it would work. 


And fortunately, my partner was on board with that. And, you know, it’s been eight years now. So that is the very, very short version. But basically, through just serendipity and reaching out and letting people know that I was offering these services just through my personal and professional network, just got some stepping stones that eventually rolled into something larger.


Kenny Soto 2:44  

Freelancing in and of itself has pros and cons. Like everything else, I am seeing those pros and cons myself right now. One of them being at least a con is as a freelancer, you don’t get that added benefit of health insurance, or any kind of insurance that comes from like a full-time position. And I’m sure that there’s a whole list of things that people can Google, so I’m not going to ask you about what those pros and cons are. 


But more so from a high-level view. For the person who’s considering becoming a freelancer, what things should they think about before taking the dive to know whether or not it’s right for them?


Kaleigh Moore 3:25  

Yeah, I think it’s a lot of personality fit, right? So are you good at being self-directed? Are you good at being organized and just kind of staying on top of tasks? I think that there definitely are freelancers who are successful, who kind of are you know procrastinators, and put things off to the last minute, but most of the people that I’ve spoken to over my career, and then I found to be really successful, long term, are very proactive with how they approach not just tasks and assignments, but like, you know, the business aspects of what they’re doing. 


And they’re just super organized, they’re very self-motivated. And I feel like those are all really, really important traits. The other thing too, as you said, there are expenses that you have to cover. When you’re on your own, you don’t get paid time off, you don’t get retirement matches, and you don’t get to know any of those nice perks that you would get if you were working in-house as an employee. 


So I think it’s really important to sit down, build a business plan, look at the numbers, look at what you need really to cover your expenses, and then start making a plan for how you’re going to reach those goals. So a lot of it is just breaking down big daunting tasks into smaller, more manageable ones that just kind of chip away at the iceberg. 


And so I would say you know, have some frank conversations with people who know you well and know your personality and, you know, ask them how do you think I would do with something like this and then give yourself the opportunity to try it as well right? Because you don’t know until you try so I think having a time window to on when you’re first getting started and saying you know, I’m gonna give myself six to 12 months. 


To see if I can earn X amount of dollars, or if I like it, whatever it is, you know, you can give yourself a window so that there’s kind of an escape hatch. If you, you know, don’t if things don’t go the way you thought they would, or you’re not enjoying it as much as you thought you would, things like that.


Kenny Soto 5:16  

Haley, do you have any team members I help you with?


Kaleigh Moore 5:19  

I do. So I have a content manager who manages my side business content remix, where we take podcast episodes and turn them into narrative-style blog posts, narrative styles with that. And he also does kind of some VA functions. For me. I also work with a couple of really talented researchers and writers who helped me with research and outlines and sometimes drafting as well. So that’s really helpful to have a network of people you can turn to to help with kind of the piecework of different types of projects. 


And yeah, that’s pretty much it. My husband helped me with my graphic design stuff because I’m a word person, not a designer. And other than that, it’s pretty, with no frills. It’s y, pretty small. And a lot of it is just me functioning in a lot of different types of roles within my business. So yeah, it’s been, it’s evolved over time. But that’s where I’m at right now.


Kenny Soto 6:12  

I’m glad, I’m glad that you are at that point because I’m currently trying to figure this out for myself. So I do have a VA who’s helping me. So I have someone helping me on the side when it comes to the audio editing. But to a certain degree, I’m trying to figure out, like, how do I craft the core team, if you will. 


So as a follow-up, when you’re considering adding people to your team? What kind of qualities are you looking for? I know, obviously, they have to have the skill set that you’re looking for to help with whatever function it is. But as far as like people fit because you’re building your own enterprise. What are you looking for when you’re adding new people to your team?


Kaleigh Moore 6:53  

Yeah, I’m looking for things like do they follow directions? Why do they pay attention to detail if I send them my onboarding guide, and there are steps that need to be completed before we can move on? If they haven’t done those without me telling them to do it, I feel like that’s a pretty good indicator of how well they pay attention to detail and directions and things like that. Other things, if it’s a writer that I’m hiring, I’ll look at some of the writing samples and make sure that the flow and the subject matter expertise, are there. 


Another thing I look for is just a kind of responsiveness, how quickly do they respond to emails? Is it you know, within a reasonable 24-hour business day window? Things like that, like, do they and I always give people you know, one or two tries before, I’m like, Okay, this isn’t working out. So say somebody misses a deadline the first time because something came up, you know, no big deal, life happens, whatever, but it happens more than once. 


And it’s kind of a repeat offense, that to me is like, okay, maybe this person is overloaded, or they don’t really have the bandwidth to take this on. So those are just kind of the things that I keep an eye out for.


Kenny Soto 7:57  

Before we get into some more practical questions, I want to ask you a philosophical one, just to see your two sons. Do you think there will be more freelancers in the future than there are Now?


Kaleigh Moore 8:10  

I do. And the reason for that is, you know, we have this great resignation happening right now where people are going out on their own launching their own businesses trying freelancing, and everybody wants the freedom and flexibility that they got a taste of while working from home, right? So everybody wants that autonomy and the ability to be able to set their own schedule and work their own hours whenever they want to. 


So I think that that is very appealing, I don’t think that that’s going to go away. I think that young people who are now entering the workforce, they want that just as much, if not more than people in my millennial generation did. And the possibilities are endless, too. There are so many tools out there for creators and people working in some form of freelance capacity. You know, there are so many opportunities today. 


So people who are go-getters and who, as I said, are organized, and proactive that there are so many ways that they could take things in a freelance capacity right now. So I’m excited to see where it goes.


Kenny Soto 9:09  

The next question is, it’s a big one. So we’ll take it in parts, but essentially, for the person who’s like, Okay, I know freelancing is for me, I’ve done the internal audit. I’ve asked people for advice. I’ve done research to see the pros and cons. And now I know, freelancing is something I want to do. How do I get clients? Right? And that’s a very broad question. So I want to break it down into three parts. 


So there, in my opinion, and you correct me if I’m wrong, or add to this, I feel like there are three core places where you can discover clients, your network, you can go outbound sales, identify them based on some kind of criteria, you create, and do that one to one sales methodology. And then the third one is inbound. 


So by guest posting, by creating content, whether it’s written audio, video, or a mix, you’re bringing in those leads that you want for your business over time. And that’s a long-term play. So those are the three that I think are available for freelancers to get clients. And I wanted to know, for each of those three components, how do you go about approaching the growth for them?


Kaleigh Moore 10:15  

Well, I’m kind of at the stage now where I’m past those three things. So all of my projects and people that I work with now are people that I’ve worked with for a long time. And usually, they came on a referral basis. So I don’t do outbound at all anymore. I’m not I’m not doing any sort of trying to attract sales. If anything, I’m handing off a lot of projects, because I’m just overloaded right now. 


So that’s a good problem to have. But I think you’re right, I think it’s very much kind of a flywheel where you’re doing those three things at once. And it’s a three-pronged approach that way. So the other thing I would say, too, and it’s kind of overlooked is the apprenticeship model. 


So finding somebody who’s really established doing what you want to do, and being their apprentice, so saying, like, Can I be your subcontractor and basically, like, get an inside look at your process and how you do things and learn from you and see how you edit projects and things like that. So again, like that’s how I started, I was somebody’s apprentice of sorts. And she kind of taught me the ropes of how to do the business side of freelancing while I was also learning how she approached the blog, creation-type stuff. 


So I think that is really underrated. I don’t hear a lot of people talking about it. But I have a few people that I work with in this type of capacity. So it’s really more like a mentorship than just a subcontract and relationship. And I think that there’s just so much value that comes out of that type of engagement, to where like I said, You’re not only getting projects and having work that you don’t have to do the business heavy lifting for but you’re getting training wheels in a way you’re getting to learn from somebody who’s been there and done it and, and can teach you the ins and outs. So that’s the one I’m always rooting for more apprenticeships,


Kenny Soto 11:58  

I don’t necessarily like bad clients because I think that is the wrong word to use. But more so like a mismatch, where the client’s expectations and my expectations eventually clash to certain degrees. And one of the challenges that I’m having is figuring out how to qualify clients, before getting paid signing contracts, sending an invoice, and starting to work. So for you, what is your recommended approach for new freelancers who want to qualify clients before working with them?


Kaleigh Moore 12:32  

Yeah, definitely have several forms on or several fields on your intake form that help you get a gauge for like, How soon does the project start? And what’s the turnaround time? And what’s your estimated budget for this? And you know, important things you need to know like, Do you have a content strategy in place? That’s when I added recently because if the person doesn’t have a content strategy, yet, they’re not ready to hire me. 


So that is a qualifier question as well. And it helps save both of us time too, so we’re not, you know, a month down the road. And then I learned all of a sudden, once I get a writing brief that they don’t know exactly who they’re reading for, what their goals are, and things like that. 


So it’s a matter of asking a lot of questions upfront. I think it’s also really proactive and helpful if you send over your rates and process details in the very first email. So saying, like, here’s my availability, here’s what my packages or fees or rate structure look like. Here are basically my expectations as far as workflow, Process Payment, and things like that. 


And so laying that out upfront is again, another good filter, right? So an indicator of whether are they going to be able to align with the processes and workflow you have in place? Or are they fairly rigid? And they’re kind of like, No, you need to do it our way because That, to me is a red flag, that’s them treating you more as an employee, rather than deferring to you as a professional, independent contractor who has, you know, their own experience and expertise that should be leveraged.


Kenny Soto 13:57  

Perfect. And I think this is a great segue into going from freelancing to your main skill, which is writing. And with that being said, I wanted to ask you about guest posting, you’ve been featured in several publications, very impressive. And I wanted to know, one, how do you discover those guest posting opportunities and how do you pitch to publications a piece that you want to write for them?


Kaleigh Moore 14:27  

So for the like industry publications that I’ve written for those who have been the ones that really lead to job opportunities down the road. So an example of this for me is Copy Hackers having a byline there, where people go for that type of information which has led to a lot of people reverse engineering the writers there and reaching out directly that way. 


But writing for the big publications like Forbes, Vogue business, Adweek, places like that, those aren’t so much a business generator and more so interest-based and authority building on my end, so I have relationships with edit There’s at these publications that I’ve built mostly through Twitter. And so I’ve been publishing in those places for quite a while now. But I think a lot of a good pitch has to do with relevancy for the audience. 


And so if you don’t understand the audience well enough, you’re not going to be able to come up with a compelling pitch that these editors are going to take note of. So I think it’s a lot of legwork of, you know, doing the homework, doing the research, finding out what’s, what’s happening, what dots, can you connect in your space? What trends and patterns? Can you point out things like that? So yeah, I think I think there’s a benefit to both of them. 


I would say, writing for the big, big publications is great as far as ethos and authority building, but it’s not a huge moneymaker. The thing that’s been most beneficial, like I said, is guest posting on those niche-specific sites where my clients will want to hire me or go for information, because if they can see my name and face there as a byline, that is a green flag for them to reach out and to say, oh, this person knows what we want to write about, you know, they, they know our space.


Kenny Soto 16:03  

Nice. And for anyone who wants a tactical tip, I just discovered this last week, if you put looking for writers in quotations in Twitter, advanced search, you can actually find opportunities faster for guest posting, rather than if you were to look for, let’s say, for example, Forbes, guest post submissions in Google Search. 


And in most cases, it’s actually you circumvent the pitching process to a certain degree by DMing people on Twitter. Yeah. Because then you get that initial touch point faster. And for the most part, the expectations are set within the chat. You don’t necessarily need to do the whole cycle again via email.


Kaleigh Moore 16:44  

Yes, that is kind of the secret hack, I think. Because yeah, people are putting out calls for writers all the time, especially with all the layoffs that are happening for in-house publications. It seems like a lot of them are going the freelance route anyway. So there’s an endless opportunity right now.


Kenny Soto 17:02  

Writing in a niche is important. But how do you identify the niche to write in? 


Kaleigh Moore 17:07  

I think it’s, I think it’s different for every person, I think it’s kind of an overlap, slash Venn Diagram of your interest, things that you already have some existing subject matter expertise on. So for me going into E-commerce and Software as a Service made a lot of sense because I had an e-commerce Store of my own for five years when I was in college. 


And so I had first-hand experience there that I could tap into when I was writing. And it was also an interest for me to obviously if I had started my own business, that was something I cared about and was passionate about. So it’s a lot to be writing about the same type of thing over and over for years on end. So you really need to identify something that you enjoy and that you find fascinating, otherwise, it’s going to become a road to burnout pretty quickly. 


And I think that software as a service doesn’t sound very sexy. And it also doesn’t really sound like anything when you explain it to someone. But when you understand what that segment is, or what your little community is that you’re going to be part of, you can really sink your heels in. I feel like you just find the communities in those spaces and it becomes a door that opens to you as you get more into the space. 


So yeah, even on Twitter, there are these little cliques of people who are in like the direct-to-consumer space or retail or whatever it is you just have to find those people and see who’s active, speaking about different topics, and then jump in and participate in the conversation.


Kenny Soto 18:36  

Haley, what are some writing mistakes that annoy you?


Kaleigh Moore 18:41  

I really hate passive voice. I feel like that’s fairly easy to identify with a tool like Grammarly. So when I see it, I’m like, Oh, this is easy to spot. Um, I also am not a fan of really big chunks of text. I think we all know at this point that everybody’s scanning nobody’s reading word for word. So we’ve got to make stuff more reader-friendly. 


And then lack of context is really a disservice to the reader. I think because sometimes as writers we get too close to the topic, we assume that our audience knows all of the things that we know, and 99% of the time, they just don’t. So we need context. We need visuals, we need examples. 


We need statistics, we need to really kind of think about content creation from a rhetorical point of view where you are building an argument backing it up with data, and just making sure that there is a lot of that pyramid effect where you’re building on top of a base of knowledge and just making a really, really solid piece of work.


Kenny Soto 19:39  

I’m glad you mentioned Grammarly. It’s a perfect segue into my next topic. Writing Tools market. There are companies out there that are promising maybe not necessarily the replacement of writers, but optimizing writer output. And I’ve been going back and forth with one of my mentors As to whether or not these tools are even ready for use, other people are finding success with them. 


I wanted to know from your perspective when it comes to writing AI assistant assistant tools, or however, you want to join them. What are your thoughts on these tools? Do you use them? Have you seen success with them? Or do you even know other people are using them successfully?


Kaleigh Moore 20:23  

Yeah, I’ve tried a few of them, I think that they still have a little bit of way to go as far as functionality. But they can be helpful as far as a jumping-off point if you’re feeling stuck. So like is a good one, four, if you’re working on headlines, or you’re trying to write a really good subject line for an email, whatever it is, I don’t think it’s going to replace writers outright. 


But I think it’s going to make their work a little bit easier. And I’m curious to see where this goes in time. I feel like it could get to the point where it’s really, really effective. But for now, that human touch is still something you just can’t quite replicate. So I don’t know. I say it’s too soon to tell.


Kenny Soto 21:04  

Yeah, I would agree. That’s why I’m holding off. I used one for like two months and I canceled my subscription. Just because I was finding that I was doing more work. Editing the AI as a teacher. Yeah, then just doing the writing itself. 


Kaleigh Moore 21:17  

Sure. But that makes sense on.


Kenny Soto 21:18  

Yeah, right. When it comes to tools, aside from the type that you love to use. I know you mentioned Grammarly. Are there any other writing tools?


Kaleigh Moore 21:27  

I use Grammarly premium. And I also use a tool called writer For style guide consistency. So this has a built-in tool where a brand and style guide basically learns all of them, like priorities for a style guide. And it’ll check to make sure that there’s consistency with the draft that you’ve put together. 


So whether it’s like sentence case for headings or terms that you do or don’t use, or you know, or does this make sense for the relevant buyer persona that we’re writing for things like that, when you’re working with a lot of clients, it’s so hard to keep all that straight. So having a tool like that, that automates that aspect of it is a big time saver. 


And it just improves the quality of the work too. Because like I said, it boosts consistency so much. So I’ve seen just individuals use this, I use it. But then I’ve also seen big kinds of enterprise teams use it as well. And I think that there’s a lot of value in something like that.


Kenny Soto 22:26  

Not to pander, but I’m very impressed with your career. In addition to all the things you’ve already done, I’m just impressed by the fact that you have so many info products or creative products. I’m not sure how you would coin them. But I’ve been interested in making at least one or two of my own next year. And I’m currently drafting some of them. 


So I wanted to ask a two-part question when it comes to info products. The first one is, how do you go about brainstorming? And then going through that cycle of brainstorming, creation, editing, refining, and then publishing? And then the second part of that question is when you are done with an ebook or checklist that you’re charging money for, how do you promote that online?


Kaleigh Moore 23:11  

So I don’t overthink production a whole lot, I just kind of get an idea and run with it and go, what I do from there iterate based on the feedback that I get from that first, whether it’s you know, a mini course that I’m doing a live session or like an ebook that I put out, there’s a lot of iteration that happens after the fact, but I don’t get in my way before I get it out the door. So that’s, I think one of the secrets to doing it kind of in a repetitive way, and doing it often. And then remind me of the second part of the question.


Kenny Soto 23:44  

The second part is just how you go about launching and promoting.


Kaleigh Moore 23:47  

Oh, launching and promoting so I do a lot for my newsletter, which I’ve been putting out for six years now twice a month. So really consistent there, that’s been a great avenue for that. I also have my Twitter, which has, you know, I think I have like 54,000 followers at this point. 


So a good audience there. And so like, for example, last week, I did a session on how to write like a journalist, and I promoted it through Twitter, and through my newsletter, and I think I had about 80 people sign up and register and pay for the session. So I think that’s such a testament to having your own sandbox that you can kind of promote these products to and to having an email list and to have a dedicated following on social platforms. 


It’s it just makes selling products like that so much easier. And these people know you and trust you, right, they hear from you all the time. So it’s just such a more natural transition than if you were to pop out of nowhere and say, Hey, I’ve got this new course coming out. It just makes a lot more sense. And it’s a much easier transition into paid products that way. 


If you didn’t have a large audience, I would say start building one now and just slow and consistent, really find a space to lean into and stick to it. Rather than you know tweeting about a bunch of random things really finds a space to lean into. And the more you do that, and the more people will come to know you for a specific type of content, the stickier that will become in people’s minds.


Kenny Soto 25:10  

This is a leading question. And to my follow-up, when did you start seeing growth on your Twitter?


Kaleigh Moore 25:18  

I would say about two and a half, three years ago, and my husband was like, You should start tweeting about writing and content marketing and not much else, like eliminate the noise. And so I did that. And I really kind of cut everything else out of my feed. And it worked I started seeing a lot more growth, I started doing Twitter threads when that was a big thing before everybody started hating it. And that seemed to be really helpful. 


But yeah, I’ve been on the platform since 2008. So I’ve been there for a really long time. But as I said, I didn’t start experiencing that growth until I found the lane and kind of stuck to it. So I think that’s kind of the secret sauce, at least for right now is, you know, becoming a go-to figure for one thing, rather than making it kind of a personal message board. 


Kenny Soto 26:06  

How impactful has Twitter been on your career?


Kaleigh Moore 26:11  

Oh, my gosh, huge. It’s huge. Not only did I get my first client there, but that’s how I have gotten a foot in the door with so many other opportunities, whether it’s for interviews, job opportunities or speaking engagements. Just like Authority building, I feel like it’s such an easy way to get a direct path to somebody you want to speak to in a way that other platforms just don’t. And not everybody agrees with that. I know that that’s kind of the case. But for me, Twitter has just been such a wonderful community. 


And I also kind of look at it as my virtual office water cooler, right? So it’s the place that I go to check in with people when I need a break throughout the day to talk to people I know. And it’s just a good way to keep from feeling isolated because I live in a pretty rural area in central Illinois. And so there are not a lot of meetups like there are. I’m not in a thriving city where there are lots of cool events going on. So I need that connection to stay sane.


Kenny Soto 27:10  

Two more questions. One of them is a follow-up for Twitter. Again, if you had one action that you would recommend someone take on a daily or weekly basis to grow their Twitter account, what would the action be.


Kaleigh Moore 27:26  

Be consistent number one, so don’t just pop in one day and then disappear for a week, try to do it at least five days a week, you know, take the weekends off. There are not that many people on the weekends, but show up every day to participate. And like I said, try to identify the community that you want to be part of, and then participate, right? Don’t just sit on the sidelines and lurk and not comment and watch what other people are saying chime in, you probably have expertise and knowledge that you can share. 


So have conversations with people, start building rapport and make friends there. So consistency is really important. The other thing too, is don’t overthink and I think a lot of people get in their own way when it comes to tweeting, they think Oh, somebody’s already said that or that someone might take this the wrong way. 


Don’t overthink that. Just start putting stuff out there and seeing what gets traction and what generates some conversation. And if you find that you’re not getting a lot of engagement, it’s okay to still just participate in existing conversations that are happening there. So, again, I just think participating is a big one. It’s called social media, we need to think of it like a cocktail party, you want to be a good guest at the cocktail party. And that’s just kind of how I approach Twitter as a whole. So that’s my two cents.


Kenny Soto 28:42  

My last question is hypothetical because time machines don’t exist. But if they did, and you can go back in the past roughly 10 years, knowing everything, you know, right now, how would you accelerate the speed of your career? 


Kaleigh Moore 28:56  

Oh, that’s a good question. I think I think I would have, I was very, like fear-driven when I first started because I was very young. And it was kind of a new field of freelancing. And I feel like there weren’t a whole lot of playbooks. 


So what I would have done is really started to focus on a specific subject matter right off the bat, rather than trying a lot of different jobs and kind of hopping from one industry to another, just really leaning into a niche to focus on and becoming the go-to person for that. I feel like that would have gotten me leaps and bounds. 


Uh, you know, beyond where I am right now, which is still wonderful. I’m still in a great place. It’s just that for those first two years, I was just kind of like, I don’t know exactly what I want to do. So I’m gonna say yes to every job that comes my way. And that was fine. Like, it helped me pay my bills and things like that, but it didn’t help establish me as a professional freelancer. I was more just kind of like a worker for hire with no real specialization. 


So yeah, I know these People are very anti-Nish. They’re like no, you know, keep it mix it up, do whatever you want to do. And I think, just for me, I have found the most traction and the most success by leaning into one topic and really just, you know, putting a stake in the ground and saying, This is what I want to be known for. So I would have done that sooner is the short answer.


Kenny Soto 30:18  

Clearly, is there anything any product course that you want to plug in?


Kaleigh Moore 30:23  

Yeah, I would love to plug content remix. I referenced it earlier a little bit, but we take podcast episodes and repurpose them into narrative-style blog posts. So not just Transcript not just show notes, but real true blog posts with headings and pull quotes and all those wonderful things. Because not everybody has time to listen to a podcast. 


Some people want to read. So it’s a great way to get extra mileage for your sponsors for the material that you’ve put together. It’s good for SEO, a lot of benefits there. So yeah, check out content


Kenny Soto 30:54  

And if anyone wanted to say hello, where can they find you?


Kaleigh Moore 30:58  

On Twitter? Kalea. That’s my Twitter handle. My first name is kind of hard to spell. So you probably have to look at the show notes to figure that out. But yeah, say hello on Twitter. That’s where I will be.


Kenny Soto 31:07  

Thank you, Kaylee, for your time today. And thank you to you the listener for listening to another episode of the people digital marketing. As always, I hope you have a great week. 



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