Kenny Soto Logo 2020
Close In On Success By Observing Your Habits

Positioning has a lot to do with how you condition yourself over time.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and if you are headed towards mediocrity—you will eventually arrive.


So it goes without saying that if you have dreams, the best way to convert those dreams into achievable goals is by creating a set of positive habits. The habits come first, then the specific action plan. Both are necessary, however, discipline is what is absolutely necessary so that you can sense opportunity when it arrives.


I think about this a lot, especially when I am thinking about how I’ve found work this year. From what I have seen so far, my income directly correlates not with my specific level of education given to me by an institution but, with how much I have learned on my own.


The skills I’ve gained from my own curiosity and life experiences has led to an increase in wealth and opportunities to help others. You can certainly learn from books and classes, but you have to immediately apply what you learn.


If you can get past the excuses and find a way to take a new idea, and challenge it with action and visual results, you will grow. It is the only way to know if what you are learning is legitimately going to make you money.


Positioning is therefore aligned with the positive habits we adopt over time. There is a reason leaders self-educate, the best sellers in the world constantly find opportunities to sell something, and in my case—this is why I try to always write.


Most of the hard work that leads to success at any level comes from repetition. What you say you want out of life has to tie directly to what you do every day. Let me repeat:


What you say you want out of life has to tie directly to what you do every day.


What are you using to challenge your thinking, to expand it? Think laterally, not just linearly. You can learn a lot about where you are headed by simply observing what you consistently do.


Image credit: Unsplash

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